Monday, October 17, 2011

Feathered Friends, K

We flew into action for feathered friends week K style with our bird masks on!
 even with freshly glued birds masks on...
We perched on big logs for snacks and stories...
pointed out evidence of birds in trees
and had a hillarious game of "Angry Birds" FH style:
 That was one of those moments I wish someone had a hidden camera on us. The kids would "slingshot" themselves at me from that forked tree (behind I's head in the above pic) and when they'd reach  me I'd explode. It was really fun!
Then, on our way back to the shelter we helped the birds of Hamlin by collecting some of the motherload of "power beads" near the trail entrance. Now our feathered friends won't eat them!
 On Thursday we started off this sunny FH day by crafting these bird puppets. They ended up being pretty involved, so we were flapping with energy by the time we were done!
 It turned out there were lots of other kids in the woods that day that FH kids knew so a few joined us in our construction play.
 These bird watchers perched on a "ship" today:
 This one was a drumming bird watcher:
 These ones were operating the controls:
 This one was showing me his "dinosaur claw":
Sometimes bird watchers have to take a break from ornithological pursuits you know...

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