Thursday, November 17, 2011

Harvest Season, K

This last week of Fall FH K the kids were excited to help the Earth Corps group restore a 1/4 acre site of undergrowth in Hamlin. On Tuesday we each helped to plant a few, and again on Thursday with even more understanding and energy for the job.
 The kids named some of their plants, learned a bit more about them, and liked working with the young adult Earth Corps team.
 Each day we planted, took a break to explore, play and snack in the woods,
 and then headed back to the site to help some more.
The little man most inspired and excited about this project was without a doubt Q though. He befriended Earth Corps member Jess,
 and she led him through the planting of what must have been at least 20 plants over the 2 days (well actually 3 days since our family had come over the weekend also).
 I wouldn't be surprised if this leads to serious interest in being an Earth Corps volunteer himself one day, and likely some of his classmates as well. We all learned a lot from this chance to help, and can feel proud as we walk by this area for years to come that we helped replant it! And we know we will certainly be interested in helping Earth Corps with other local projects in the future.

Harvest Season, Thurs Pre

We enjoyed our last Fall session together doing a little planting with Earth Corps:
 really these kiddos were a little bit little to do much work, but we watched for a bit, and of course found a log to bounce on, our specialty!
 Then we went on up the hill a bit to the "kitchen" to play, hop inside the pot for fun, and have a little story time.
 A the very end of our day we had to enjoy the fall leaves once more, and the 2 2's loved it!
 Thanks Mama Asia for making it even more fun!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Harvest Seaon, Tues Pre

 Today was filled with harvest learning, some plant id work, AND helping the Earth Corps group working at the park today! 
We started off heading right up the hill to the plot of land the Earth Corps group was planting, and each student got to pick a few plants to plant with a volunteer. Before they got started we talked about some of these plants: huckleberry, sword fern, kinickinick, oregon grape, and snowberry to name a few.
 As they planted they learned some good tips on planting a plant in the most healthy way, and they even gave their plants some love by naming them! Above, A is planting "Snow White the Snowberry".

After planting we went off into the woods for a bit to explore, read stories and play. Then, of course we also had to celebrate the last FH of the season! So we did with hot cocoa with whipped cream on top:
What fun we had together this fall!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Squirrel Day, Thurs Pre

We started off our Forest Friends day playing in the leaves:
 It's hard to resist throwing, rolling, hiding, and generally being in the midst of these big leaf maple leaves this time of year.
While playing we could watch a squirrel dropping the opened seeds of the maple down on us, it was up pretty high, but it was fun to try and catch the helicopters as they fluttered down.
 On into the woods we went stopping at "boat fort" for a snack and story time and observation of this fungus:
 A little dancing action, and some time to ride the horse:
 Then it was back to the leaves before we went to the shelter to craft some cute little cone squirrels.
What a fun fall day!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Squirrel Day, Tues Pre

The little furry friends we see most often in Hamlin are squirrels! So, it was squirrel day today and we had fun chatting about them and keeping our eyes out for them. We also enjoyed stories and snacks with hand warmers in hand:
 Demonstrated wonderful friendship skills along the way:
Z helping I up a steep hill
 Then I helping Z balance on the long balancing log
We also observed an impressive mushroom crop:
 And had a blast playing in the maple leaves!
 At the end of the session today we made little cone squirrels:
 These girls are SUCH a joy to teach!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Arachnids Abound, Thurs Pre

We had a new friend and her Mama join us this week! It was a fun session today with our new pals and we look forward to seeing them for the rest of FH this Fall.
We had some fun spider search parties under logs today:
Had fun exploring on our ship:
Read some spider stories:
 What wonderful listeners! 
Thank you Asia for taking some rare Teacher Erin in action pictures!
Had a spider music dance party:
Dancing around the trees kept us warm!
And of course we were watchful of other interesting sites in the park, like fungus up high:
But most of all, it's just fun to be in the woods with friends! 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Arachnids Abound, Tues Pre

For Spider day this week we sang lots of spider songs, read spider books, and looked for spiders in the woods (though it was a pretty chilly day to search for them, so not many were actually found...). The kids also:
showed how well they are working together,
Miss. A. helping out Mr. M down the big set of stairs
They played on sliding rock and Miss. Z created her own "Itsy Bitsy Spider" verses:
Had fun investigating scotch broom seeds:
Held hands sweetly as we came back from the meadow together:
And practiced their S as in spider writing:
It was a Spiderific day!