Sunday, March 30, 2014

Make Up Day!

As in to make up a class, not face paint... 

Wednesday Froglets had a canceled class earlier this winter and this week was their chance to get it back. And what a day to do it! We had sunshine and warmth and even a new fort.  There was a lot of hard work, team work, fort building, mountain climbing, mountain sliding, face contorting, and focused studying.

We found a whimsical post with an angry face to mimic.
Someone saw the inside of a tree.
A few hid in the ferns,
A few more rolled in the ferns.
All in all it was a lovely last day of winter. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


This was the perfect week to end winter! Mud, sunshine, and puddles galore!! 

Tuesday Froglets managed to stay dry and mud free unfortunately. We did try to find the squishy stuff but to no avail. Instead we explored and played and enjoyed the warmth of the next season peeking out at us. 

Tuesday Frogs on the other hand found loads of the lovely wet dirt. A few of us managed to get quite soaked and others were not so interested. The hammock was a nice change and good end of the session treat. 

Wednesday Froglets also found the mud! We had a mud contest to see who could get most covered. I think it was a six way tie!

Thursday Tadpoles were the only group to actually hike Muddy Trail this week.  Previous puddles were on the other side in Dinosaur Valley. Muddy Trail proved extra sloshy and we made good use of our boots!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Rocks, Minerals, & Fossils!

What an exciting week to be in the woods! Every week we find new signs of spring poking it's head out of hibernation. This week we found the first spider of spring, some mysterious floating worms, a slug, a tiny winged insect and even oxeye daisies! 

Tuesday Froglets are full of silliness, balancing, and finding every mushroom in the forest! 

Tuesday Frogs are also not very serious. Except when it comes to working on our secret ivy base. This class found the spider, floating worms, and as seen on L's hand, a tiny winged insect.

Wednesday Froglets found a slug. I have not seen one since last spring! And I am in a position to see them pretty often... We fixed up our cedar fort and had nice area of moss to sit for snack and story. These kiddos attacked the task of finding a special rock with extra gusto!

Thursday Tadpoles explored the Hobbit Hole (formally The Dragon's Nest) and also a newish little fort nearly flush with the ground that we have been working on this winter. Does anyone have any name ideas? 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Avian Invaders!

Birds! The Audubon Society of Seattle allows us to borrow their bird kit to show off to classes. The birds were brought in to the society having perished from a variety of causes. Usually collision with cars, wires, or windows, old age, or illness. They birds are prepared at the Burke Museum. They are free of disease or mites and safe for us to handle. The kit allows us to see birds up close when we usually only see them out of the corner of our eyes.

Tuesday Froglets enjoyed the Cooper's Hawk and overflow of the creek. We also were on a mission for birthday gifts for TWO dads adding a year this week (Happy late Birthday Dads!). Luckily we found a stick covered in moss and a handful of lichen that each did the trick.  

Tuesday Frogs are always in motion and that motion is always one speed. Fast. This was the only photo I managed to snap that was not completely blurred. We talked about local birds and more exotic types at length throughout our hike and learned much about each other. Also, No "A...", Teacher Kathleen does not wish to sell her bird...

Wednesday Froglets were transfixed with the chance to pet the stuffed birds. We were lucky enough to have two Dark Eyed Juncos give us an air show in Owl Valley. They were fighting over territory and the acrobatics were amazing to watch. Fairy Valley was a rushing creek and we had a contest to see who could be muddiest. I'm not sure who was muddiest but I do know there were more than one soaking froggy in the woods that day!

Thursday Tadpoles did not make it as far in to the woods as we usually do but we made up for it with sheer focus on each task at hand. First up was bouldering. We absolutely had to climb to the tippy top of the rock pile! Next Teacher Erin found out what decomposing cedar tastes like. Note to self: when inspecting rotting logs, keep mouth closed.
Then we were inspired by the snack time book about wings to make our own and test them out! Teachers Erin and Kathleen need more practice with crafting paper airplanes...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Needles to Say, It's Conifer Week!

 Conifers! And at Shoreview Park no less! We enjoyed such fine weather this week that each class made it all the way to Hidden Lake! 

Tuesday Froglets had sun and sand this week as well as three kinds of ducks! We saw mallards, buffleheads, and common goldeneye.

Tuesday Frogs ran the whole way to the lake (as usual) and when we arrived we found evidence of others... a GIANT foot print as well as some puzzling smaller ones. 

Wednesday Froglets found signs of spring in the form of buds on trees and crocus! 

We also had a show as two older and quite persistant dogs swam after the (very calm) ducks.  A cormorant even gave us a show sunning himself on the beach across the lake. 

Thursday Tadpoles managed to stay out of the water and enjoy the hike up and back. Nothing like throwing rock in a lake and hanging from a tree!