Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Flowers and Seeds

What a beautiful week! We really lucked out with gorgeous weather! A perfect week to dig in the soil, and plant some seeds. As the shirts also came in, we spritzed them with color. As an update to that, I must have the most amazing washer as nearly all the stains were removed. *sigh* Try try again!

Tuesday Froglets found some slugs, a bouncy log, and helped each other succeed. We even got to hear a book read by Teacher Kathleen this time! 

Tuesday Frogs tackled the art project with gusto. I think we hiked about 2 miles today. 

Wednesday Froglets spent time working on balancing and their "Peter Pan Pose" TM  ;) 

Thursday Tadpoles gained new confidence with a borrowed back pack and a first time drop off. Congrats! We have some Tadpoles that are growing up!

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