Thursday, May 24, 2012

ABC's in the Woods Thurs Pre

The kids did a wonderful job adding to our growing list of ideas for the ABC's of FH this year! It had rained right before class started so our first order of business was to go investigate at the creek, and sure enough it was really flowing all the way to the drain!
The kids really had fun playing in the water before we headed into the woods!
Here are some of the pics from their ABC hunt today:
 And they discovered sticks can make letters too:
 Then there was the whole, "What about Z?  What starts with Z in the woods?" thing that ended up in a very goofy game of, "Look it's a zebra! There's a zebra in the woods!" which went on and on...Oh these kiddos are SO silly! They especially LOVE to tease Teacher Erin! ;)

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