Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Froggy Day for a *New Thurs Pre

We splashed right into the winter session of FH this Thursday! This was the first class for some of these froglets and it was one of the wettest I've ever taught! It was really dumping and thankfully the kids were geared up. We headed off to Froggy Creek to watch the rushing water and see where it goes, while doing a little fishing along the way:
Then we trekked up and around the park and all the way to Big Fort. It was quite a romp for some of these younger ones in all their gear, they were real troopers and we stayed warm!
Even in Big Fort we were getting pretty wet having our snack and story time, thankfully I had some wonderful Mom help (Thanks Tanya!). 
From the big fort we headed down to sliding rock, which is pretty fun with wet rain pants on!
Mr. J wanted me to take his pic over and over, what a funny guy!
Then these wet and soggy kiddos were ready to head back, and as we arrived back at the playground the rain ceased. Time for a little tea warm up:
As much fun as the "liquid sunshine" can be I think we might vote for a little less of it next session. I'm so hoppy I'll get to teach another lovely group of froglets this winter!

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