Friday, January 31, 2014

Senses at Twin Ponds!

Happy Day! We went on a field trip to Twin Ponds! Three classes lucked out with only the cold to contend with while one class endured a deluge! With smiling faces I might add. We were able to see three types of ducks! Mallard, Bufflehead, and Common Goldeneye as well as a Cormorant! No otter this time though. Can't say I'm surprised, we made quite the noise out there testing ALL our senses.

Tuesday Froglets made paper tube binoculars and exhausted my meager supply. We were able to paint them and use them to focus our attention on whatever we looked at.

Tuesday Frogs made spy scopes out of old drink bottles in order to better see the wildlife. Inevitably we then were faced with the prospect of pirates and robbers. We even made a pit trap to trap me... It did not work, this time. 

Wednesday Froglets got W.E.T.! They raced around both ponds and were even able to explore in the woods behind the ponds. We found evidence of new growth in buds on the trees and found places to hide in the ferns. 

Thursday Tadpoles found that the ducks were following us. They became fairly insistent. This little common goldeneye was very outspoken about our presence. We talked about our senses climbed new tree stumps, explored holes in the ground with my new flashlight and even found some mushrooms!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Decomposition Week!

 Decomposition week here at Froggy Holler means we made compost stew! Later this winter we will dig up what we buried and see how (or if) it changed! Banana peels, apple cores, goldfish crackers sacrificed, even a granola bar wrapper (for science sake) was buried. Let the decomposition begin!

Tuesday Froglets took wonderful turns with the shovel. Our hole was VERY deep and we were able to mark it properly (we hope!) and will look at it in the weeks to come. 

Tuesday Frogs found a very large hole all ready to explore. Covered with ivy it was perfect for a secret hideout. Oops!! Wasn't supposed to tell about it. :( Ah well we hid it well ;)

Wednesday Froglets were a tangled bundle of raw energy! I can't believe how much ground we covered! It was a challenge to take turns but a great exercise in patience. For all of us! We continue to show wonderful teamwork and always lend a helping hand to our fellow climbers. 

Thursday Tadpoles were F.O.C.U.S.E.D! We went to a few of our favorite forts and found one to have been recently remodeled! With a mossy carpet and roof. The second was a fixer upper and we were up to the task! Finally a snack break and story before heading out of the woods. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Hibernation week was no snooze! We built a den, took boat fort out for a spin, and lent a hand at sliding rock. This was a full week about the things that rest in the winter. Not only bears! Snakes, dormice, bats, bumblebees, snails, turtles, and FROGS!

Tuesday Froglets built their own den
Climbed a tree blown over by the wind 
Balanced on a log high in the air 
Went to town with the parachute
More fun to spare

Tuesday Frogs, five in all
Ran about with purpose and drive
Finally found a place to sprawl
Read a book and felt alive.

Wednesday Froglets love excitement
Bugs, birds, hand warmers and trails 
Rev 'em up and let 'em go
Sliding rock never fails

Thursday Tadpoles 
Sliding rock and logs
Boat fort and Fairy Valley
Leave a toy for them

Friday, January 10, 2014

Winter Session! Seasons!

It's a new season at Froggy Holler and these frogs leapt in with gusto! With a few familiar faces and a few new ones, it was important to spend some time getting to know each other and the woods 

 Tuesday Froglets had a magical foggy day in the woods. We found a snail under a log and the best log for balancing on. Two of us thought it was much better for jumping off of! 

Tuesday Frogs gave us a run for our money! Robbers were everywhere! So were mushrooms and snags. Lucky for us the snags were safe points. 

There were many tricks to play. Wet branches proved to be the perfect place to lure an unsuspecting teacher under before tugging on the branch to give us a shower. We fell for that so many times!!

Wednesday Froglets worked well together. So much teamwork! A helping hand was always there to pull a friend up a hill or out of the creek. So proud of these young explorers!

Thursday Tadpoles repaired fairy houses in Fairy Valley and successfully located sliding rock! We over turned logs and met beetles, potato bugs, spider eggs, and more fungi than you can shake a stick at!