Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday Froglets, Week 4. The Amazing Adventure of Mr. Raindrop!

Wednesday Froglets learned about the Amazing Adventure of Mr. Raindrop!  We unrolled a big scroll of his journey, then experimented with a few things ourselves.
We captured steam in the "ziplock bag of SCIENCE" by placing it over the mouth of a thermos.  The water in the thermos was really hot, so we kept our science hands away from the thermos!  :)   Our bag filled with steam and we were able to touch it once it was removed.  Amazing!
This is a photo of us "being clouds" by dipping cotton balls into water and squeezing them to make RAIN! 
After putting on our gear and hitting the trail, we found the most cozy and interesting fort, so we just had to stay and explore!
Perhaps you can see the door of sticks and logs that our gentlemen classmates made for us.  I sure felt safer once that door was up!  ;)
Here are three boys in a beautiful and natural setting!  This is what Nature School is all about!  Unstructured play and exploration!  Keep up the good work, guys!
Working really hard made our froglets pretty tired.  We read three action packed books-

The Wide Mouthed Frog by Keith Faulkner
Dogzilla by Dav Pilkey
Dinotrux by Chris Gall

These books are pretty silly and worked perfectly with this group of imaginative kiddos!
See you next week!
Teacher Kathleen

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