Friday, January 31, 2014

Senses at Twin Ponds!

Happy Day! We went on a field trip to Twin Ponds! Three classes lucked out with only the cold to contend with while one class endured a deluge! With smiling faces I might add. We were able to see three types of ducks! Mallard, Bufflehead, and Common Goldeneye as well as a Cormorant! No otter this time though. Can't say I'm surprised, we made quite the noise out there testing ALL our senses.

Tuesday Froglets made paper tube binoculars and exhausted my meager supply. We were able to paint them and use them to focus our attention on whatever we looked at.

Tuesday Frogs made spy scopes out of old drink bottles in order to better see the wildlife. Inevitably we then were faced with the prospect of pirates and robbers. We even made a pit trap to trap me... It did not work, this time. 

Wednesday Froglets got W.E.T.! They raced around both ponds and were even able to explore in the woods behind the ponds. We found evidence of new growth in buds on the trees and found places to hide in the ferns. 

Thursday Tadpoles found that the ducks were following us. They became fairly insistent. This little common goldeneye was very outspoken about our presence. We talked about our senses climbed new tree stumps, explored holes in the ground with my new flashlight and even found some mushrooms!

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