This week at FH we celebrated the real arrival of spring and May! It was fun to plants seeds together in class, and perhaps some will even grow back at home! ;) We really are making good treks around the woods these days, Erin M uses the "Map my hike" app to see how far we go, and it's usually around 2 miles these days. So, we searched for flowers on our hikes this week, and along the way certainly found a whole lotta fun!
Tuesday Froglets
Tuesday Frogs
Planting, finding little creatures, mud squishing, fairy tower building, muscle developing Frogs:
Wednesday Froglets
Here we are studying our map, feeling the soft new leaves of a Hazelnut, and plowing our way through a new trail!
Thursday Tadpoles
Look at all these wonderful Mama's and their little ones, I appreciate them so much!
While we were planting a giant earthworm came out to say hi, it didn't know what it was getting into! ;) Also below is some hill rolling, rocket ship riding, and story time!

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