Friday, May 6, 2011

Boeing Creek ~ Friday

We were all really excited to be in a new spot to explore this week. Some of these kiddos had never been to Boeing Creek so I was excited to share it with them. Again we went on a texture hunt while in the park as well, making quite a massive list I might add, of everything from sticky (cleavers or "sticky weed" as I call it) to rough, sharp, soft, hard etc. 
We went on down the main trail to Hidden Lake with this group and had fun at the lake watching this sweet family of mallards. 
We also noticed other area bird life like the bufflehead ducks at the far end of the lake.
Keeping these kiddos out of the water was all sorts of fun, they were all eagerly chatting about coming back in the summer and really going in, hmmm... They did manage their way over to what our Namer Man Aaron called "Sunny Desert Island" leaving "Rainy Beach" behind.
Then we headed back up the trail past the little waterfalls,
and back on our quest for more textured items, like rough bark, and fir cones,
What a fun adventure to Boeing Creek!

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