We had such an adventure today at Froggy Holler! The kids were really excited to be somewhere new and absorbed so much in our time at Boeing Creek Park. Right off they eagerly gathered the giant leaves of the big leaf maples,
observed numerous mushrooms, and natures signs:
"It's an arrow, or a house!" ~ IY
and found a lovely snack spot. As IN so sweetly put it, "We can sit here for snack, and have a view of nature!":
Which they did indeed. Before them the forest was all dappled in morning light and filled with the douglas firs, cedars, alders, big leaf maples, licorice ferns, salal, oregon grapes and much more forest fauna; countless chickadees and woodland birds twittering away; a woodpecker hammering for a snack as well as we watched; a noisy stellar jay above us; and the burbling creek below.
While there, we also enjoyed the story of
Salmon Boy and practiced balance beam log balancing lessons from I:
It was a bit hard to eave that spot, well for me at least, the kids of course were as eager as ever to further explore this park! So we were off, to an adventurous spot, over the creek,
and then straight up the other side!
Then, back down again, and back across the creek
to another little peaceful spot. We stopped here to squish in the sandy mud, toss leaves in the water to watch them float quickly away, and poke and splash with sticks. I also took this time to have each of the kids create a "Creek Poem" with me by asking them what they observed with their senses. What did they hear, smell, see down at the creek's side?
We balanced on logs as we left the creek to head back up to end our class.
As usual class was over far too soon, so we'll just have to come back to Boeing Creek again soon!