Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Spiders and Insects!

The spiders are emerging!! Spring is calling the insects!! Creatures are molting, weaving, and eating mosquitos! I especially like that last part. 

Tuesday Froglets searched for spiders and insects and discovered new flowering plants, the shapes we can get our faces in to, and new climbing abilities!

Tuesday Frogs found one of the biggest spiders I've seen in Hamlin Park! We found smaller versions all week, but this one. Oh boy! It's a big'un!

Wednesday Froglets went back to a tree that we found a few weeks ago, to see if baby wood peckers were indeed inside. We snuck quietly through the woods, listened ever so silently at the snag and managed to put a good distance between us and their home before going back to our normal decibel level.  I was so impressed at our forest ninja skills!

 Thursday Tadpoles found more of the same kind of spider as we found on Tuesday, not quite as big though! We saw many many creatures under logs. It's been quite a change from the winter! Life teems everywhere!

Thursday Frogs had a major event happen. We decided that we do believe in fairies. They do need decent housing. And we were the perfect engineers to accomplish this task. An elevator was installed as well as multiple level housing. We passed on the excitement to a family passing by who embraced it with gusto!  Somewhere in there we managed to find some spiders and insects as well!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Day at the Beach

This week Richmond Beach was our classroom. Not only did we have a VERY low tide, but the weather cooperate with us as well. Each day was sunny and warm and made me feel lucky to be at the beach.  

Tuesday Froglets spent time at the pirate fort, examining rocks, and searching for crabs! Somehow we were able to make the best of our situation. Being at the beach and all. ;)

Tuesday Frogs focused on two specific areas, the fort builders and the tide poolers. We were able to really study the crabs. If nothing else their sheer numbers! Couple scraped knees, first time digging toes in the sand, and we even managed to save a few caterpillars.

Wednesday Froglets tossed rocks in to the water, rolled around and I'm sure put sand 
Made a flag and ran it up the mast, explored the scotch broom, and maybe even found a crab or two!

Thursday Tadpoles found the most wildlife of any class this week. The action was non stop! 
Sea stars, barnacles, crabs, hermit crabs, mussels, clams, long unidentified fish, nudibranchs, sea pens, sea anemones! OH MY!

Thursday Frogs found the source of all the caterpillar action. Tent caterpillars ( I suspect) have infested numerous trees and bushes on the beach. We found a few of the writhing masses on some bushes and many more single caterpillars on the beach.  

All in all a great week at the beach! Even with the mild sun burn I'm happy!

Monday, May 12, 2014

I'm a Likin' the Lichen!

Lichen Week! And boy howdy did we find a lot of it! Not only quantity, but many many different kinds of lichen. We also looked at mosses and algae. We learned that lichen is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an algae!! They need each other to survive and thrive! The fungus is the scaffolding and the algae lives inside making food for both.

Tuesday Froglets cracked on and studied lichen and moss under magnifying glasses.  

Tuesday Frogs saw an addition to our ranks. A has moved up to the kindergarten group and we are so proud of her!! Glad to have you with us!

Wednesday Froglets found an owl feather, spun until they were dizzy (and Teacher Kathleen was dizzy), posed for photos, and hiked 2 miles!! 

We also came across the high schoolers "running" for P.E. and decided to play a trick on them! Boy were they surprised when 8 three year olds leapt out from behind trees at them!

Thursday Tadpoles were focused and deliberate today. Magnifying glasses and flashlight in hand these hikers got down close to their quarry. 

K even took a short nap in the moss.

Thursday Frogs worked hard on a fort. It needed some steps and there was much trial and error before we finally made it work. There never were more proud engineers than on this day. 

Later we drew in algae and leapt from sliding rock.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Flowers and Seeds

What a beautiful week! We really lucked out with gorgeous weather! A perfect week to dig in the soil, and plant some seeds. As the shirts also came in, we spritzed them with color. As an update to that, I must have the most amazing washer as nearly all the stains were removed. *sigh* Try try again!

Tuesday Froglets found some slugs, a bouncy log, and helped each other succeed. We even got to hear a book read by Teacher Kathleen this time! 

Tuesday Frogs tackled the art project with gusto. I think we hiked about 2 miles today. 

Wednesday Froglets spent time working on balancing and their "Peter Pan Pose" TM  ;) 

Thursday Tadpoles gained new confidence with a borrowed back pack and a first time drop off. Congrats! We have some Tadpoles that are growing up!

Froggy Holler Spring Break Camp!

Earth Heros Unite!! We came together in Hamlin park this week and with an element each day, learned about our earth.  Water, earth, air, and fire came together and under a banner of green cloaks we are ready to celebrate Earth Day, every day!

Our cause was lucky, as we had a wonderful visitor. A big kid that loves the woods as much as we do! She helped some of us cross streams, climb trees, and deepen our appreciation of the natural world. Thanks G!!

There was singing and dancing. There were ear ribbons, and hammocks. We even picked up trash and made sure not to leave our own behind.

Cones were explored. Sliding rock was slid upon. Slopes were conquered. Even a tree was peered through!

Hiking buddies not withstanding, these frogs are number 1! Thanks to everyone who participated in camp. And extra thanks to all your support of outdoor education!