Thursday, November 14, 2013

Forest Friends Found Frolicking Frequently!

Whew! That was a mouthful! But really we saw a fair amount of squirrels this week. Not so many bears, raccoons, or big foot though...  Just have to keep trying!

Tuesday Froglets found new houses in Fairy Valley, pine needle slides, and even a tree split in half! That is my hand reaching through. 

Tuesday Frogs experimented with camouflage, added to the fairy houses, found Eeyore's house, and even had time for a nap. This bunch went from one end of the park to the other yet again! We even ran up and down the same hill a few times.

Wednesday Froglets were content to hang out at the creek and play. We fished, made cooking utensils, a fire pit, and had time to make some hearts out of twigs.

Thursday Tadpoles took a new trail today which proved quite the challenge! Everyone made it up the hill and we enjoyed a dance party before story time.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Leaf Me in the Woods!

It was Leaf week at Froggy Holler!! We were at Boeing Creek this week learning all things leafy.  They may also have been some wading at some point also perhaps leaf crowns/camouflage hats. 

Tuesday Froglets came prepared to explore. We even had one froggy end up sitting in the creek. It was ok, he didn't seem to mind. There was some burrowing in the hollow at the base of a tree as well as a lot of log balancing!

Tuesday Frogs made the arduous journey all the way to Hidden Lake! There was peril and terror, and not a little bit of courage. We made it all the way only to realize the books never made it in to my bag. No matter Teacher Kathleen saved the day with her nook and E read to us again.

Wednesday Froglets leapt in to leaf crowns with gusto and trekked to the waterfall and back. Sand was everywhere from the beach by the creek! L even made a fish out of leaves! 

Thursday Tadpoles had to reschedule due to the wind and storm. We will make this up soon! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Batty For Bats!

This week we focused on our insect and fruit eating friends, the bats! We dressed up with bat wings and flew around Hamlin Park with gusto! Some of us even did some trick flights off logs.

Tuesday Froglets got started on a new fort. They were ever in motion and my poor camera could not keep up! So many blurry photos today! 

Tuesday Frogs visited spear hill where we explored the hillside covered in ivy, saved rolling backpacks from the hill of doom, and skillfully evaded capture by the Fun Run! Whew!

Wednesday Froglets embraced the bat wings to their fullest potential. Especially when it came to showing off the wings in flight! 

Thursday Tadpoles came dressed to impress on Halloween! We had a fox, a princess, and even a bat!!