Though the snow was coming down as I left my home (in Edmonds) for FH this Tuesday, it had not yet really started in Shoreline, so class was ON! The roads were fine getting to and from class, and the kids were excited to be there all geared up in their cozy suits. We ran around the big snowy field, the kids had fun trying to get me with snowballs, we said hi to the snow people already there, and lounged and stomped on a fallen guy.
Then we started off into the woods, there under the tree cover not as much snow as on the ground, and we noticed how peacefully quiet it was, with just a few twittering birds. And as we looked up at the treetops it was a beautiful new sight. We tromped around for a bit, and then came to an area right near where we did our Earth Corps planting where a new fort was being made from branches that fell this winter. This was a good place to put our gear down, work together on adding to the fort, have a snack, read a story, have some warm tea in the shelter.
They may look chilly cause this was the end of our 2 hour class in the snowy woods, but they were happy, and not complaining a bit about being cold!
It was also fun for the kids to do some balancing, and sliding on the logs in this area. I was pretty impressed with their balancing (after some spotting I gave them a little more space...), those that tried were pretty confident in themselves!
They all really enjoyed working together to add to this fort and I promised we would absolutely be back there again this winter!
They were all so industrious today, balancing, scraping snow off the logs, showing their stuffed penguins around the area (just left out of the camera shot oops), working together to add to the fort, etc.
At the end of class we met up with our parents on the playground, which is all the more fun in the snow:
What an incredible day it was to be at school in the woods!