Goodness me, it was certainly to be an excellent beach day for us this Thursday. We had a great time at the beach, and even got to have a guest from NOAA join us! Anna works for NOAA down at Montlake at the Northwest Fisheries Science center (click on her name for more info). She is also the parent and foster parent to a growing family and loves working with kids this age, so she was the perfect guest! She did fish prints of starry flounders with the kids (ask them about their eye and how it rotates!), made beach collage pictures, and told a funny boat story.
They adored the fort as I expected, and so we snacked there reading One Small Place by the Sea, a perfect educational beach read. And we explored, tasted berries,

built castles and sand stew,
dumped sand on ourselves,
tried digging a "giant " hole,

found feathers and other such treasures, wrote in the sand,

watched and listened as the waves hit the shore,

and generally enjoyed our time at the beach!
built castles and sand stew,
dumped sand on ourselves,
tried digging a "
found feathers and other such treasures, wrote in the sand,
watched and listened as the waves hit the shore,
and generally enjoyed our time at the beach!